Douglas Vigliotti

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December 2017 Reading List

Happy New Year! I wish you nothing but health, happiness, good fortune, and everything that comes with it in 2018. And, thank you, thank you for all the support in 2017.

In just two weeks, January 16th 2018The Salesperson Paradox: A Strikingly Simple Way to Provide Solutions Your Customers Can't Say No To – will be available on Amazon! Yes, I'm excited.

Two BIG reasons you should purchase on launch day:

  1. The ebook will be just 99 cents (launch day promo.)

  2. You'll receive a BONUS chapter, "Chapter 13 - The Lost Content."

*The bonus chapter is a compilation of segments (not in book) that got cut from the original manuscript.

There will be a couple reminders leading up with more info. C'mon you don't think I was going to let you forget : )

Okay, here's my December 2017 Reading List...

*All titles are clickable.


1.) THE E-MYTH REVISITED – Michael Gerber

"Contrary to popular belief, my experience has shown me that the people who are exceptionally good in business aren’t so because of what they know but because of their insatiable need to know more.”

The E-Myth is the societal idea or belief that going into business for yourself is this gloriously rich, relaxing, vacation laden adventure. And, while it could be, reality is most small businesses fail. The excitement of the honeymoon phase fades and reality sets in…financial, social, and emotional problems, tremendous amounts of discomfort, and hard work doing jobs you never expected to be doing. But, went into business because you love baking bread not managing, selling, or accounting, right?

Gerber doesn’t just present the inevitable scenario, like most good books, he serves up a solution. Showing you how to systematize your business. In effort to make you recognize one of two scenarios, you’re either working IN your business or ON your business. The latter being less stressful, highly reproducible, and more fruitful.



“In an age when it is easier than ever before to dig in, the psychological resistance to change has become progressively stronger.”

This is either the most frightening, or enlightening book I read in all of 2017. Maybe, probably both! Cowen, author, economist, and creator of wildly popular blog is relentless proving complacency is to blame for America's stagnation. He points toward cumulative effects of an exponential growth in a “matching” culture, aided by massive technological advancements is actually hindering America's dynamism.

He takes on some of America’s largest issues (at every level) like segregation, corporate inequality, issues with upward mobility, and lack of innovation in the transportation sector. So, debate if you will, but Cowen combines real data, history trends, and tremendous insight to compel you. If you’re up to be challenged, and potentially aggravated then pick it up.


3.) TRIBE OF MENTORS – Tim Ferriss

“There is no one right answer…only better questions.”

A fitting follow up to Ferriss’ previous book Tools of Titans. At first, I wasn’t going to buy it, not because I don’t like him. I think he's great. I just thought it was going to be the same thing. Admittedly, I was wrong. Sure, it’s very similar as he uses the individual profiles style. But, while his last book was a dissemination of (his wildly popular) podcast interviews; this book is a dissemination of ten very specific questions (mostly non-podcast interviewees.) Here’s half of the questions:

  • What is the book you’ve most given as a gift and why? Or, three books that have greatly impacted your life?

  • When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, what do you do?

  • How has a failure set you up for success? Do you have a favorite failure?

  • What is an unusual habit or an absurd thing you love?

  • If you could have a gigantic billboard with anything on it, what would it say?

I love that behind this book was probably a lot of really frustrating and challenging work. The back n’ forth effort, cat n’ mouse game contacting hard-to-reach "important" people to provide answers. This is evident by the three - How to say “No”... - sections you’ll get to read, something I think we can all improve. Tribe of Mentors is probably best consumed in small increments. If you want quick takeaways combined with anecdotal advice that makes you think then pick it up.


Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you'd like a personal book recommendation based on your interests, desires, and/or situation.

Comments, suggestions, and feedback are ALWAYS welcome.

Crush the day!