Douglas Vigliotti

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October 2017 Reading List

Happy Halloween everyone. Absolutely crazy I know, Thanksgiving already? 

Anyway, this month’s reading list has four slightly different books. Per the usual, they’re ranked in order of my preference. However, similar to last month there was no clear cut #1 for me. If you have a specific question regarding any of these titles, then just shoot me a line.  

I wanted to send a special THANK YOU to anyone who took the time to vote on the cover for my upcoming bookThe Salesperson Paradox. I have an 88 vote sample size so far, which is pretty sweet. 

If you’d like to weigh in, you can click here. The voting will close Friday!

Okay, here's my October 2017 Reading List...

*All titles are clickable.


1.) GRIT - Angela Duckworth

"Our potential is one thing. What we do with it is quite another."

What’s the most important aspect to success?  Duckworth, UPenn psychology professor, will tell you its GRIT. Basically your ability to be both persistent and passionate over a long period of time. And, it’s hard to argue against it. She concludes there are four major elements to GRIT:

  1. Interest
  2. Practice
  3. Purpose
  4. Hope

Duckworth’s personal stories, pages of research, and her accounts of face-to-face convos with people like Pete Carroll and Anders Erikson (famous for his 10,000 hours research) provide great insight.  A solid book for anyone facing a long, arduous, uphill battle – business or personal.


2.) DAILY RITUALS - Mason Currey

"While I work I leave my body outside the door, the way moslems take of their shoes before entering the mosque." – Pablo Picasso

This is just a super cool book. Currey compiles daily rituals and routines from over 200 well-known creative types. It features artists like Picasso, Warhol, and Pollock. Classic composers like Gershwin, Beethoven, and Mozart. Iconic thinkers like Franklin, Einstein, and Voltaire. Great authors like Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Twain.

Sure, you see common trends. But, my biggest takeaway was that every artist goes about their work differently. It’s an ode to open-mindedness. There is no right, or wrong way to create. And, a reminder that not everything always appears as it seems. Quite often, it’s not at all.



“You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

It might surprise you that I don’t read many sales specific books. I just typically prefer to pull from different business segments to bring in new, different, or altering perspectives. With that being said, Zig is a legend and this is a true classic. I guess you can call it the sales book other business segments read to get the sales perspective!

It was interesting to see how many sales principles are as applicable now as they were when Zig wrote about them (1985.)  There’s so much I agree with in this book. Although I do prefer watching him, rather than reading him. Zig’s storytelling style is always amusing. Just a heads up, if you’re a slower reader, 400 pages might feel like a mountain. 


4.) YOUR FIRST 1000 COPIES - Tim Grahl

“You have to believe, in the deepest part of your soul, that it is a good thing for readers to buy and read your book.”

This was a really well written book. And, if it wasn't for ultra specificity I probably would have ranked it higher. Grahl is a book marketer who has worked with tons of big names like Dan Pink, Ramit Sethi, Hugh Howey, Dan Ariely, etc. He’s a wealth of knowledge in his specialty. I totally jive with his entire philosophy.

I mean, even the quote above epitomizes an ideology I talk about quite often. I actually write about in my upcoming book The Salesperson Paradox. I guess, therein lies the reason I picked up the book. Grahl delivers a playbook on how to build a platform, get your book seen, and message heard. I do recommend it, if you’re an author or aspiring author.


Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you'd like a personal book recommendation based on your interests, desires, and/or situation.

Comments, suggestions, and feedback are ALWAYS welcome.

Crush the day!