Morning After #20: Stick and Move

Make the choice and own the result. Be sad or be happy, but never dwell. 

Any time I dwell, I get hit with a three-punch combo that sends me to the canvas. Physical or mental, the canvas is devastating. Of course, you can pretend you’re living inside a movie—Rocky Balboa or something. You know, the whole “winners get up from the canvas” bit. They do, but I assure you it sounds sexier to get up from the canvas than it is to actually do it. I don’t care who you are—you get knocked down enough times, eventually you’re going to start believing you're a loser. 

I’d rather take advice from real boxers. Try not to get hit, knowing damn well that I will. This means taking one punch at a time, not three, my main objective. So throw the punch, always throw the punch. Show the world the song. Ask the girl out. Apply for the job. Then move on.

You see, once you take the shot, you took the shot. You asked the question. You let the love interest know your intentions. You tried the new restaurant. I don’t know, whatever it was, you did it. It’s behind you. Set the fireworks off, pop the champagne. You did something few have the courage for. Hooray to you. 

Okay, we celebrated.

Now what?

*This article is part of the ongoing Morning After series: short, reflective pieces on thoughts, feelings, and ideas about life. They’re kind of like well-manicured journal entries, written the morning after a night out.