Morning After #6: The Moment

There are so many moments in life.

But there is one moment that seems to captivate me far beyond any other. This moment is so rare that it moves about in flashes, every so often, and only if you’re lucky will you get to experience it throughout life. 

This moment wrestles my heart to the ground, squeezes it like a boa constrictor until it stops beating, like a mouse that stops breathing. But just for a moment. Suddenly, I feel a release. I’m alive again. In awe. Speechless. Not sure what to think, say, or do. All I’m left with is this moment, dancing there still in my mind.

So often, moments don’t live up to the hype. They don’t happen. They’re not what they seem. They’re all promise, no delivery. But when they do, I have this moment. No, no, it’s not expectations met. It’s far greater than that. 

It’s the moment when I can’t believe I’m actually experiencing it. It’s the moment I wonder, How did this finally happen? A moment of pure elation, joy, and amazement. It’s being with the girl I’ve been dreaming about. Being at the place I thought I’d never see. Being in the conversation I thought was impossible.

Maybe you think I’m an idealist, but I know it’s real because I’ve experienced it before. It’s just rare, you see. 

And with so many moments in life, it’s this one that I want to keep chasing.

*This article is part of the ongoing Morning After series: short, reflective pieces on thoughts, feelings, and ideas about life. I write them the “morning after” a night out.