A Memoir by The Minimalists

DV Weekend Pickup #44

Everything That Remains by Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus

A memoir written by two guys in their early thirties, uh, what?  Well, mostly just one guy Fields Millburn but typically memoir's are reserved for the later years in ones life.  Oddly, it works, mainly because he is so gifted with the pen.  Everything That Remains forces you to answer the all important question...

"Love people, use things.  The opposite doesn't work."

...what if everything you ever wanted isn't actually what you want? 

Over the last 4 years these two really have caught steam with over 4 million readers to their blog, Netflix documentary, and a tremendous story.  

Fields Millburn was living the American dream, big corporate job, huge home, tons of money, many things, and a lot of stuff.  Accompanied with the less talked - loads of debt, high pressure, crappy relationships, and no time - that goes along with it.  He proceeds to go through a particularly tough year losing both his mother and marriage.  He falls on minimalism, leaves his six-figure job, pays of all his debt, and becomes a writer...

"The things you own end up owning you."

...this is a story about Everything That Remains.  Minimalism is an interesting concept that focuses NOT on owning nothing, but asking yourself the question...does this thing bring value to my life?

Crush the day!


How the Best Businesses in the World Succeed

DV Weekend Pick Up #43

Okay, this was sort of a god send if there ever was one.  All year I had been working on the concept of "simplicity" in conjunction with groundupSALES.  Then seemingly out of nowhere as I am further researching the 80/20 Principle (Richard Koch classic) I stumble across this upcoming release...

Simplify by Richard Koch & Greg Lockwood

What I like best:  I literally had my Amazon cued for pre-order on the October '16 US release.  In a weird way I felt slighted because this was a concept that I had been researching for the last year. On second thought, it felt like validation - FINALLY a book - devoted to a concept that I am absolutely sure of - Sweet!

I'll admit Koch and Lockwood are not the most graceful writers so at times you are challenged throughout the book.  However, Koch is a tremendous business mind and understands business strategy better than most so what you ultimately get is an education.  If you work in a corporation today you probably will enjoy the chapter, The Weakness of Strong Firms: 5 Bad Reasons Managers Don't Simplify.

This book is  packed with great case studies, knowledge, and structure which depicts the power of simplifying.  Specifically...

  1. Proposition simplification
  2. Pricing simplification

...you will hear profiles on the greatest companies in the world like - Apple, Southwest, Google, Amazon, IKEA - plus many more.  Even more importantly why and how each company chooses each model.  If you consider business strategy to be an interest than this is must read.  If you don't you'll probably wonder why you even picked it up.  

Best quote:  "A designer knows he has reached perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to takeaway." - Antoine de Saint Exupery

Crush the day!


What to Expect in 2017...and Thank you!

First, I wanted to thank and acknowledge all the subscribers (and viewers) who have supported me in 2016 and my apologies for the slower posting pace to end the year!  In 2017, I promise to give more...

  • The book review is going nowhere.  This blog will be primarily used for the book review (w/ an occasional update.)  I am toying with a new name, format, and day change.  Expect 40-60 reviews this year and #43 later this week.
  • I will be doing long(er) form sales article posting.  You will be able view those on LinkedIn.  They will be richer in content, a little lengthy(er), and more fun to read.  My first article Only Losers Rely on Luck to Increase Sales will be published early next week. 
  • For the first 13 weeks, every Tuesday morning (starting tomorrow) I will be posting a sales video on Facebook.  It is a re-release of each track from my audio last year with a little twist!
  • If you haven't already check out my new groundupSALES.com site.  2017 promises to be a big year for my sales training company. 
  • I am currently writing my 1st sales book.  It's too far out to talk about release dates but the manuscript will definitely be completed in 2017. 
  • Watch out for my gS Game Planners later this year.  This is a resource I ONLY created because I wanted it for my own personal use!  I will be doing one run of them later in the year for purchase.

Below are a few things I am considering but haven't convinced myself either way...yet.  Email me, contact me, whatever, if there is a direction you'd prefer, tell me!  Your input helps me drastically.

  1. My first online sales training webinar. 
  2. An offline sales seminar open to the public.
  3. Short(er) form motivational podcast or facebook/insta videos?

This is my intended lay out for 2017 BUT things are always liable change as the year progresses.  In fact, I would expect MORE!  As always stay positive and...

Crush the day!


The DV Weekend Pickup #42

Okay, here it is, the 42nd installment AND last book review of 2016...

Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss

What I like best:  This book is an encyclopedia on what "the best in the world"  are saying, doing, and thinking.  While being basic in concept, it's not basic in content.  It distills Tim's wildly successful podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, into one behemoth of a book (674 pages to be exact.)  His podcast is easily one of the most listened to in the entire country with over 100 million downloads since it's inception. 

The book layout is three segments - healthy, wealthy, and wise - and each segment features 2-3 page mini-chapters/profiles of these modern day titans.  Additionally, Tim features some of his personal best in 40 non-profile chapters.  You'll get to hear from over 100 world class - athletes, tech giants, doctors, trainers, generals, billionaires, and entertainers.  People like Shaun White, Chris Sacca, Peter Thiel, Peter Diamandis, Tony Robbins, Paulo Coelho, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Jamie Foxx.  Some of my favorite questions...

  • What are your morning rituals?
  • If you could have one gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say?
  • What advice would you give to your 20 or 30 year old self?
  • What's the worst advice you hear being given on a regular basis?

...and these are just a small sample size.  It's going to be fun to use this book as a reference throughout 2017.  If you have an open mind, willingness to learn more, and curiosity to understand what makes the best, the best then look no further.  As always pick it up and let me know what you think!

Best quote:  "Free education is abundant, all over the internet.  It's the desire to learn that's scarce."  -  Naval Ravikant

*Disclaimer - There are an INCREDIBLE amount of excellent one-liners, anecdotes, and quotes in this book so picking just one wasn't easy!

Crush the day!


Yup, that's my slipper...smh.

Yup, that's my slipper...smh.

The DV Weekend Pickup #41

The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau

What I like best:  Chris isn't just talking about it, he's doing it.  This guy has already visited 175 countries and has been turning ideas into income for the last decade.  He is a non-conformist in every sense of the word and even has a blog The Art of Non-Conformity which is among the top 15,000 websites visited (keep in mind we're close to 1 billion now, ha!)

In preparation for the book Chris chatted with 1500 businesses all with annual revenue exceeding $50,000.  The catch, every business had to start with an investment of only $100 or less.  He selected his favorite 100 cases to share in the book and I will say, as each page turns, you meet some pretty interesting people/businesses.  The book serves as an easy-to-use guide for starting your own business as you get templates, lessons, and yes, even motivation that you don't need an MBA or even a business plan to start your own business today.

In my eyes this book further hammers home the point that "success" has WAY more to do with fulfillment (99%) than it does the size of your paycheck (1%.)  As always pick it up and let me know what you think!

Best Quote:  "If you make your business about helping others, you'll always have plenty of work."

Crush the day!


The DV Weekend Pickup #40

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

What I like best:  Chapman has devised a systematic approach to improving romantic relationships, that actually works, and has been proven.  "I am amazed by how many individuals mess up every new day with yesterday," says Chapman.  Now before you go judging a book by it's cover understand or at least appreciate that Chapman has used theses techniques and strategies for years improving relationships one by one as well in seminars globally.  Additionally this book has spent close to 8 years (since 2009) as #1 New York Times Bestseller.  

Chapman contends that all people have a dominant love language of either...

  1. Receiving gifts 
  2. Quality time
  3. Words of affirmation
  4. Physical touch
  5. Acts of service

As I mentioned prior, before you jump to conclusions and makes assumptions on the love languages, what they mean, etc - I will challenge you to read the book!!!  Each love language takes on a slightly different meaning than meets the eye.

The ultimate goal is to recognize your partner's love language then be able to communicate in their language to them so they feel loved.

You can go take the online assessment at 5 Love Languages Quiz to find out what your love language.  I will warn you though, I did that and after I read the book I realized my truly dominant love language was completely different.  I found that I gamed the quiz to what I "thought" made me feel loved but after analysis of key questions in the book, I realized what honestly and innately made me feel loved - I had to own up to it!

Best Quote:  "What we will do for each other before marriage is no indication of what we will do after marriage."

Crush the day!


The DV Weekend Pickup #39

First, I want to apologize for leaving you high and dry all week!  I was slightly out of sync but I own it, no excuses, ha!  Below is the book I read while traveling last weekend...

The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes

What I like best:  Lewis is a great example for anyone and everyone who is aspiring to be more, to be great.  Lewis speaks to an audience of over 1 million people EVERY week with one of the top podcasts in the country of the same title, The School of Greatness.  He interviews TOP performers from many different walks of life - star athletes, successful entrepreneurs, top selling authors - the list is long, impressive, and insightful.  The book features those podcast lessons through his 8 greatness principles...

  1. Clarify your vision
  2. Embrace adversity
  3. Cultivate a champions mindset
  4. Commit to the hustle
  5. Master your health
  6. Practice positive habits
  7. Realize you need a team
  8. Live a life of service

As Lewis says, "We only have one rule. You can't stop. You can go as slow as you need to go, but you cannot stop. You can never drop out."  The book highlights stories from olympic gold medalist Shawn Johnson, the Braun brothers (Scooter - the music management mogul and Adam - the founder of amazing non profit Pencils of Promise), and the downright amazing double amputee Kyle Maynard.  If you're in need of a pick me up then this is the book for you - very positive and easy to read.  Grab it and let me know what you think!

Best Quote:  "Greatness is the result of visionaries who persevere, focus, believe, and prepare.  It is a habit, not a birthright."

Crush the day!


The DV Weekend Pickup #38

The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster by Darren Hardy

What I like best:  Uh, inspiration.  This book oozes it.  "Don't miss the point. Spend your day pursuing the things you want said in your eulogy," says Darren Hardy.  I've many times accredited Hardy for helping me turn a corner in my life with his best seller The Compound Effect.  Therefore this was an automatic read immediately upon it's release (last year.)  I am now in the middle of reading it again...for my third time!

This book is a blueprint for what's REQUIRED emotionally, physically, and mentally to go into business for yourself.   Darren is hands down one of the best communicators out there whether he's writing or speaking which makes the book very easy to take in. Not to mention but I will anyway, ha, the list of testimonials on this book is downright ridiculous...

....Seth Godin, Barbara Corcoran, Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Grant Cardone, John Assaraf, Peter Diamandis, Maria Shriver, Jeffrey Gitomer, Derek Sivers, Brendan Bouchard, Donald Trump, Frank Kern, Tony Hsieh, Daymond John, Brian Tracy, Joe Polish, Simon Sinek, John Maxwell, Dan Pink, Les Brown, and the list keeps going on and on.

Here's the long and short of it, it's a must read if entrepreneurship interests you...at all.  Pick it up and let me know what you think!

Best Quote:  "If you want to have more, you have to become more. You have to grow into your goals."

Crush the day!





The DV Weekend Pickup #37

Essentialism by Greg McKeown

What I like best:  Essentialism is not a time management strategy or a productivity technique, it's a way of thinking.  This book helps you to understand that if it isn't a clear yes, then it's a clear no.  If you've ever felt stretched to thin, busy but not productive, or like you're living on someone else's agenda then this is the book for you.  It is laid out in four easy to comprehend parts:

  1. Essence - What is the way of the essentialist?
  2. Explore - How can we tell the difference between the trivial many and the vital few?
  3. Eliminate - How do we remove the trivial many from our lives?
  4. Execute - How can we do the vital few with ease?

"A non-essentialist thinks almost everything is essential.  An essentialist thinks almost everything is non-essential," say McKeown.  He forces us to realize it's not necessarily about doing more, it's about doing less, but better.  Getting more done in less time by only doing the right things, what actually matters.  Highly recommend this one - As always pick it up and let me know what you think!

Best Quote:  "If you don't prioritize your life, someone else will."

Crush the day!



The DV Weekend Pickup #36

The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch

What I like best:  For starters, this one is near and dare to my heart!  I heavily feature - the 80/20 Principle, Pareto's Law, The Law of the Vital Few - whatever you want to call it in my work today with groundupSALES.  I just think it is absolutely crucial to our success - for a multitude of reasons.  It states that 80% of effects stem from 20% of causes.  It easiest to understand like this - only a small percentage of what you do actually matters, ha.  As Koch says, "a few things are important, most are not."

In the book Koch has set out to put the principle on high display, showcasing where it exists, and why it works.  Most importantly he discusses the critical differences between 80/20 Thinking vs 80/20 Analysis and why both should be implemented regularly in our lives today.  I like to refer to this as the productivity principle because it is the ultimate guide to maximizing your time, effort, and finances.  As always pick it up and let me know what you think!

Best Quote:  "People who achieve the most are selective as well as determined."

Crush the day!