First Commit THEN Figure It Out
Last night I had the pleasure of seeing one of my favorite musicians Langhorne Slim at the City Winery in NYC (great venue by the way.) I will keep this post brief because my adoration for Langhorne could keep me writing for hours. Beside the fact that I think he's simply that good, he's also a badass who wears really coot hats, what's not to love.
However what I love most about him is his ability to 100% commit to EVERY moment then figure it out. He doesn't worry about anything except just going for it on every song. He is the epitome of PASSION. Some say committing THEN figuring it out is ludicrous, I say it's a must. If you want to connect - personally or professionally - with people then get your hands dirty, get vulnerable, and just go for it.
Note - In the video below he is playing for a crowd of maybe 70 as if they were a crowd of 10,000. Check it out. Great song as well.